Putting Kyle Korver's Shooting Success in Historical Context
Kyle Korver is shooting the lights out since coming to Atlanta three years ago, but just how good has he really been?

only eight instances in NBA history exist in which a player plays in double-digit games, maintains a three-point percentage at or better than 45.0%, and attempts at least 5.0 attempts per game. So, Korver is in some pretty elite company right now.

But, really, he isn't just a member of the club -- he owns it.

Of those eight such occurrences, no player has done it multiple times except for Korver, who has already done it twice (his first two years in Atlanta, 2012-13 and 2013-14), and unless he regresses at a catastrophic pace, he will do it three times, meaning only five other players have accomplished in a season what he has done three times.

Korver's 47.2% season last year was second-best of the eight (tied with at least 1,500 makes and 3,000 attempts from beyond the arc. He narrowly edges 10th in win shares per 48 minutes.

Korver's shooting and peripheral play has been absolutely phenomenal this year, and even though the Hawks have been flying under the radar, they are certainly a team to watch in the Eastern Conference.

Undoubtedly, Korver has a lot of say in that.

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