Every year, 32 of the smartest people in the football world sit in tiny cases for three days on end, video cameras watching their every move, every decision they make reported on one of the largest media conglomerates in the world, and each success and failure graded immediately by every professional and amateur viewer worldwide.
This may sound like a bizarre reality show, or a variation on The Hunger Games, but I am talking about the NFL Draft and the around-the-clock coverage we get of teams’ selections, rumblings from the front office, trade desires, and more. In the fishbowl of modern media coverage, we get to see everything that goes on in war rooms across the league.
Now that the dust has settled on another year’s rookie reality show, we can take a look at the results and figure out if teams addressed holes on their rosters or missed the mark with their picks.
Which teams nailed their needs in the NFL Draft, and which ones fell flat?