The 10 Worst NBA Teams of This Century

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T7. Cleveland Cavaliers, 2002-03

nERD: 19.4

Right before LeBron James' arrival in Cleveland, things were at an all-time low. The Cavaliers finished just 17-65 and their best player, with 5.9 win shares, was a young Carlos Boozer.

Other than Boozer, there weren't many bright spots for the club. In his first year with the Cavaliers, Darius Miles counted -1.3 win shares despite playing more than 2,000 minutes. He, along with two other players, subtracted wins from his team -- something they didn't have much of to start with.

During the course of the season, the Cavs lost 15 straight. All the while, they were 7.1 points below the league-average offensive rating of 103.6. Don't feel too bad though, because, as we know, for Cleveland the night was only darkest before the dawn.