NFL DFS Optimal Lineup
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  • 'KC @ PHI'
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  • None
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Week 22 Redzone

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Here you will find redzone market share data for every player.

(RZ / L RZ) Targets / Carries / Opportunities The number of redzone targets / carries / opportunities per game over the season and the last games respectively.

RZ Target/Carry % The percent of a team's targets / carries in the redzone a player received during the whole season.

RZ Market Share % The percent of a team's total opportunities (targets + carries) in the redzone a player received during a season.

L RZ Target/Carry/Market Share % The percent of a team's targets / carries / opportunities in the redzone a player received over the last games.

L RZ Target/Carry/Market Share Δ The difference in % share between the RZ L % and the RZ Season %

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NFL DFS Optimal Lineup
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